


...working with Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who have taken their passion, talent or hobby and transformed it into a legit business, all without going to business school. With grit, determination and a whole lotta resilience, they've found success, yet that success comes with challenges. Whatever challenge you're facing, I can help.



Are you interested in exploring how the support of a Business Coach & Consultant can help you and your business?



  • time investment: 4 hours over 8 weeks
  • monetary investment: $1120, 2 payments of $560
  • energy investment: the more you give into your growth, the more you get outta your investment

The goal of 4 CALLS TO CLARITY is to introduce you to new awareness, perspectives and knowledge, to ignite a shift in how you engage with your reality. Think QUICK WINS!


Tired of implementing new habits, only to fall off the wagon weeks later? Are you serious about living life in a different way?



  • time investment: 12-24 hours over 3 months
  • monetary investment: 3 options, ranging from $360- $1620
  • energy investment: expect to invest energy daily in noting and noticing your thoughts, feelings and behaviors

The goal of RADICAL EMERGENCE is to help you clarify your vision for life and create an action plan to strengthen your roots and sustain a new way of living. Think GROW & EXPAND!


Are you at a breaking point in your business? You know something needs to change, but you don't know where to start? 



  • time investment: 24 total hours over 3 months

  • monetary investment: $6720, 3 payments of $2240

  • energy investment: this is intense, the work load will be heavy, however short term pain leads to long term gains

The goal of THE BB INTENSIVE is to help you implement long-term, sustainable change in your business, operating on a 90 Day Cycle in the simple and effective way. Think STABLE & SOLID!



If you feel like I'm reading your mind, keep scrolling to review options for working together.

  • you've owned a business for more than 1 year and you've experienced a level of success that's telling you to keep going (most small businesses close before the 5yr mark, and there's good reason for that)
  • you have a strong sense of grit, passion and drive for owning a great business, yet have done so up to this point without a formal business degree or training (did you know- most Doctors run their own practices without a business degree or formal training? anyone can run a business. my clients come to me because they want positive change, they want to operate BETTER business)
  • you have a team of employees to lead, manage and hold accountable (you might be a master at leading a team, however if you're running your business like a "friend factory," you'll get no judgment from me. I did that for years. I can help you shift your "people-pleasing" tendencies so YOUR needs become the priority)
  • you have some degree of stress, personally and/or professionally, that comes with growth and expansion, and that stress is impacting your outlook and productivity in life, and your efficiency and effectiveness in business (most people refer to "feeling stuck" or "in a rut." some people say they're overwhelmed, overworked or on the verge of burn-out. i recommend to create change before you're forced to create change.)
  • you have a desire to grow and develop themselves as a human, so you can improve your ability to lead their team, operate your business and serve your clients (basically, you really care how other people see and receive you, because you're conscious, self-aware and really dig self-improvement).


  • you want better ways to manage and reduce your stress. you want to make time for self care and, while none of this is easy, you do understand it's time to prioritize YOU (this is the #1 topic i speak to clients about in coaching conversations. as women, we spend so much time taking care of others, i can help you take care of YOU, while still having regard for those you care about).
  • you want more effective ways of managing your time. you'd like to simplify your life and start delegating in your business. you feel overloaded by all your responsibilities, and you've had a "be all, to all, at all times" mentality that is exhausting you. (this is the #2 topic i speak to clients about in coaching AND consulting conversations. if this is you, i've been there, and i can help.)

  • you want to upgrade your leadership and communication skills. you recognize the influence you have on others, and you want to make a positive impact, even if it's by having a difficult conversation (this is the #1 topic i talk about in consulting conversations, primarily related to employee management. i've got loads of experience in this area, however i love tapping into a clients wisdom with coaching,  before suggesting scripted dialogue you can keep in your back pocket).

  • you want a life that feels easier, lighter. you want more confidence, more clarity. you want more time with your family and you want to feel present (not distracted).

  • you want to work ON the business, not just IN the business. you want tools and resources to help running the business feel easier. you want to have more energy, so you can re-kindle that same passion you had when you started this thing.

  • you need to reserve time with yourself- to slow down, step away from the daily grind and prioritize you. when you wear so many hats, this seems impossible.  taking a few hours each month to prioritize your growth is the first step towards creating a better future! (most clients have 2 [60min] coaching calls per month. even after the first call, that 1 hour ignites a momentum shift. clients feel more positive, more capable, more confident. and that's just after 1 session! that feeling compounds with every coaching call, ultimately leading clients to create to positive and sustainable change!)
  • you need space to think, ponder and process your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. you need someone to listen without judgement, yet with an edge of honesty and compassion. you need someone to listen without giving you advice or telling you what you "should" do (most of us are surrounded by well-intended family and friends who love sharing advice or what you "should" do. in the coaching world, we call that "shoulding on yourself." as a Coach, I believe YOU ARE THE EXPERT OF YOU. You know what's best for yourself, you just need space to access your internal wisdom. I can help you tap into you).  
  • you need some level of guidance (not just someone who listens and asks questions) and some shiny new tools and resources to support the upgrades you want to make in your life and business. You appreciate frameworks and structures, books and podcasts, systems and processes. (I've got oodles of tools and resources, and clients find it valuable when i share experiences and insights as a Consultant. I always ask "would you like me to respond in this conversation as a Coach or Consultant?" Clients appreciate BOTH, so I share equally in both roles).
  • you need support from someone who has walked in your shoes, has likely had the same experiences, can listen without judgement and can help you start living a better life and start operating a better business! (I like to say i was overworked, underpaid and overserved- all by my own doing. i felt like i ran a friend-factory, not a legit business. i hit rock bottom, more than once, and i took my pile of shit and transformed it into fertilizer for one helluva fabulous life and an extraordinary business! i can help you do the same!)

"It’s like a big deep breathe. I started the call feeling like I was venting, not making sense. My mind was everywhere. I was feeling overwhelmed, and now I have a sense of calmness. You helped put my thoughts together, reminding me- I am the expert of me. I have a sense of relief. I allowed myself time to feel, and to express those feelings to somebody who isn’t going to be judgmental, someone who’s going to remind me- “I know what I need to do.” The call was really a breathe of fresh air. It feels empowering to know- “I got this.""


"Today I have felt capable of discussing how the work I’ve been doing personally can translate into what I am experiencing in my career, professionally. I want ME to be better, not me to be better at doing what YOU tell me to do. I’ve never hired a coach before, but you’re different."


""Who knew 4 Business Coaching Calls could be so life-changing.""


""Due to Covid-19, I was laid off from my event job in March 2020. I had a successful side hustle for several years, so I talked to Debby and she encouraged me to pivot and pursue growing my business when I suddenly found myself with the time to pursue my passion more full-time. I've been able to create a solid foundation because Debby has inspired me to set Core Values, a Mission Statement, and packages and information so that I am approachable to my potential clients.""


""What would have been overwhelming became attainable. She helped me set goals and give me homework to work through the process and grow in the midst of a bleak time. Instead of wallowing in my circumstances, I embraced the change and have emerged stronger thanks to Debby and The Roots Group process. I will forever be grateful that she equipped me with the confidence and skills to be a great small business owner and help others in the process.""



If you're here for a reason, it's likely because you’re facing the same struggle or challenge again. You set a goal and have fallen off the wagon. You set an intention to change a habit and BOOM, you’re right back in the same place you started. You’re tired of trying. You’re out of ideas and you’ve given up hope of ever seeing a goal through to achievement. 

You can take comfort in knowing this is common for most people. Change is hard. It requires honesty and a high level of self awareness. And without a strong reason behind your desire to change, you’re left without the emotion needed to remind you why you are trying to change in the first place. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.

Hang in there because I can help. 



  • an increase in self awareness (how are you showing up and what are the results you're getting)
  • a willingness to explore new perspectives (different ways of showing up so you can get better results)
  • a commitment to taking actions that will move you forward towards something better (without follow-thru, words are just great ideas that keep you exactly where you are)
  • an internal drive to hold yourself accountable to that commitment (when you're internally motivated to take action, you become an empowered, unstoppable force)
  • a systematic & comprehensive (for business) and rhythmic & holistic (for life) framework to help you stay aligned with your big picture vision, quarter after quarter, year after year- ultimately developing strong ROOTS to help you sustain a BETTER BUSINESS and a BETTER LIFE! 

While there’s no quick fix when it comes to creating long-term, sustainable change, powerful coaching conversations and expert consulting guidance can help you move forward at a steady pace, adjusting to shifts in awareness, new perspectives and new results in a way that makes the positive changes stick. Slowly and over time, you become a better, more optimal version of yourself.


So, how does coaching work? 

1 on 1 sessions are 100% confidential. I ask a series of powerful questions. I guide you to access your own internal wisdom- exploring what you want, what you don't want, what matters and what doesn't matter. I reflect what I hear you saying about your beliefs, biases, assumptions, limitations and blocks. The conversations awaken new insights, new perspectives and shifts that ignite positive change.

What makes a coaching conversation so powerful is the lack of judgement. In this kind of conversation, you have the freedom to be yourself and to be 100% honest, for your own good. My opinion has no place in our conversations. In this space, you can access your own internal wisdom and design actions you're internally motivated to take (which means you're more likely to actually do it).  

While I love co-creating and brainstorming, as a Coach, I won't ever give you advice and tell you what to do (which is rare in conversations you're having with friends, family and colleagues who have the best of intentions when sharing "you know what you should do..."). The ultimate goal is coaching is bringing you to a place of empowerment, where you trust yourself and take action for your own good.

What Clients do love is the variety of tools and resources I share to reinforce the changes you’re experiencing along the way. Whether it's related to creating a better business or better life, I have exercises, books, podcasts, online programs and even youtube videos that can help you move forward.


So, how does consulting work? 

In the consulting work I do with Clients, I'll share all I've learned and experienced in my 20+ years as an Entrepreneur. I share my signature frameworks, along with lessons learned, resources, and loads of materials I've created for my own business so you have an example of where to start.

As a Consultant, I save Clients time, energy and money. You don't have to go searching through content-overloaded world for that "right thing" to do. I've been in your shoes and I've tried all the "things." Using the knowledge I attained with my Education Degree, I've created systems and programs (curriculum) to share it all with you in the most simple, easy and effective approach possible. 

I'm an open book, so you can count on me to share stories as examples of what you can do and what you might want to avoid (trust me, I've had plenty of struggles and fails). I'll also share templates and examples of all that "business-y stuff" you'll need to create and implement, as you develop and improve your operations. 

I may offer strong guidance or make recommendations, however what you do is always your choice. I won't ever get offended if you don't take action on my guidance or recommendation, because I make it a practice to not be attached to your outcome. While I want the best for you, your outcome is your responsibility. 


WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT: I really want all my clients to feel confident in their decision to work with me as their Coach & Consultant. So, I offer 1 (60 min.) complimentary Discovery Call to help you select the program that's right for your needs.

We'll cover:

  • Your Roots Assessment (where you are and where you want to be)
  • What is the difference between Coaching & Consulting
  • My role/responsibilities and Your role/responsibilities 
  • The Program Options & Flow (which Program is best for you, right now)
  • The Agreement, Terms and Confidentiality
  • The Onboarding Process


Take the first step towards growth, change and transformation.

Review the Program Options below and schedule your Complimentary Discovery Call today!



Get clarity on whatever issue or challenge is draining you of your most valuable resources- your time, your money and your energy. In 4 calls, you'll gain new awareness about your situation, explore options and empower yourself with knowledge to get some quick wins and start taking steps to move forward and create a better outcome.

You'll have 4 (60min) Coaching & Consulting calls, available to you within an 8 week window of time. (all calls conducted virtually, over the phone, ideally every other week) In addition, you'll receive 8 weeks of total support, via text, audio text and email.

On call weeks, we'll follow a simple flow of PREP (you prepare, answering call prep questions), DISCUSS (we discuss) & HOMEWORK (you assign yourself action steps to move forward, based on our discussion).

On off weeks, with space between calls, you'll have time to get more clarity and experience what I call "contrast"- the good, bad and yuck stuff happening around you that helps you to better discern what you do and do not want to do, moving forward.

With clarity, you'll be able to move forward as a more capable, competent and confident YOU! (and calm- you can expect to breathe easier with this support)

INVESTMENT $1120, 2 payments of $560 


"Who knew 4 Business Coaching Calls could be so life-changing." -Brian


This 3 Month Program, is a journey to strengthen the roots of your Personal Foundation following The Better Life Framework. Working on a 90 day seasonal rhythm, you'll start by creating a clear vision for your life and an action plan to transform your vision into reality. The weekly lessons provide the opportunity to strengthen your roots, grow personally and expand your awareness of self and others, while being supported by a credentialed Coach.

Radical Emergence includes:

  • 13 Lessons, released over 13 weeks, each including:
    • thought-provoking exercises 
    • loads of examples to get your wheels turning
    • straight-forward and motivating guidance

Program is available in 3 format options:

  • Self-Paced, Content Only
  • Content w/E-Coaching Support 
  • Content w/E-Coaching Support + 3 (60min) Coaching Calls with Debby J (1/month)

 The E-Coaching options include:

  • weekly assignments to help hold you accountable to the growth and change you want to create
  • for each assignment shared, you'll receive personalized, insightful, encouraging and direct Coaching feedback and guidance, all via Email (E-Coaching)

You'll walk away from Radical Emergence feeling reinvigorated, re-focused and confident in your ability to sustain your better business and your better life!

INVESTMENT: ranging from $360- $1620



In the cycle of seed development, RADICLE EMERGENCE is the 4th stage. During radicle emergence, the first structure to emerge from the germinating seed is the RADICLE, which develops into the plant's primary root. The radicle anchors the plant into the soil and starts absorbing water and nutrients.

 For your own development, the RADICAL EMERGENCE Program is your opportunity to plant seeds, develop your roots, anchor into a new way of living your life and start absorbing new awareness and wisdom.

And note that I've changed the spelling of radicle to RADICAL- to be more relatable, inspiring and BOLD!


This 3 Month, 1:1 Program, is a journey to strengthen the roots of your Business Foundation following The Better Business Framework, helping you go from feeling overwhelmed, stressed and reactive (and maybe on a hamster wheel) to feeling more clear-headed, focused, productive and in a state of flow (and let's throw in proactive and responsive).

To begin, I guide you, 1:1, through a 60min. overview session to teach you a comprehensive and systematic framework for operating your business.

Then over the next 3 months, we'll strengthen each of the Roots of The Better Business Framework.

We'll connect in person or on Zoom for a total of 24hrs of training and coaching/consulting support. Ideally, our sessions are 2-4 hours in length, to help you actually do the work on your business during our time together.

We'll cover your Company's Vision and Core Values. We'll talk about an effective sales & marketing strategy, how to manage your team, and outline systems and processes for greater efficiency and productivity. And let's not forget- we'll talk about who you are and who you want to become, as a Leader and Owner. 

You'll walk away knowing how to operate a strong, solid business and feeling confident and empowered to develop and sustain a better business well after our work together is complete!

INVESTMENT: $6720 (3 monthly payments of $2240)





This option allows you to show up where you are and get closer to where you want to be! Whether you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated or indecisive, our coaching & consulting conversations will give you time and space to think, breathe and prioritize YOU. Consistent calls over a longer period of time help you continue moving forward to create positive and sustainable change. The results have the potential to be transformational.

For those who choose to continue working together after one of the three entry level Programs, you'll select either 2 or 3 (60min) coaching/consulting calls per month. I recommend starting with 2 calls/month for 6 months in our initial agreement.

You'll complete my Onboarding Process, which includes access to Coach Accountable, an online platform that houses all our communication and your resources.

At the time of our calls, I guide you through a powerful conversation to explore whatever challenges and issues are most pressing to you at that time, whether personal or professional. 

Based on our conversationsI'll share tools, resources or exercises that support the change you seek. 

The most common topics I explore with Clients include business operations,  relationship management (both personal and professional), leadership, time management, stress management and self care.

Clients show up to calls feeling frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed. By the end of our time together, they feel clear, ready and empowered to take action (and most times simply, "so much better.")

INVESTMENT: $280 per 60min. call


I want you to understand how I can help, so you feel confident in your decision to work with me. I want to help guide you from the get-go, to choosing a program that's right for your needs.

So, I offer 1 (60 min.) COMPLIMENTARY Discovery Call.

We'll cover:

  • Your Call Prep (the question you answer when you schedule)
  • What is Coaching & What is Consulting
  • My role/responsibilities and Your role/responsibilities 
  • The Program Options 
  • Next Steps

Take the first step towards creating positive change and schedule your Complimentary Discovery Call today!

Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call


50% Complete

Two Step

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