
Recalibrate Your Work/Life Balance

Are you feeling overwhelmed or stressed? Or have you been working your tail off and need a little break to re-calibrate your work/life balance? I've got a simple Coaching Question and steps you can take to prioritize 1 thing each day for YOU!

What is 1 thing you can do to make today a ______ day for you? (insert the word that represents the FEELING you want to have today)

So much of our daily lives are run by a long to-do list and the daily grind of chores, responsibilities, meetings and appointments. How often do you stop and think about what you WANT most out of your day?

Most of my Clients, when I ask this question, will say they don't have time for things like taking a leisurely walk, reading a book, laying in their hammock or lunching with a friend. That's because most of us select the day's priorities based on what we should be DOING rather than how we want to feel (our way of BEING). 

When you can SHIFT and design your day based on how you want to FEEL (which is related to our BEING), you choose to do things that reinforce that feeling (rather than spending the entire day being at the mercy of the daily grind). Living in this way actually GIVES you more energy to do all those other things (because responsibilities, chores, etc. are, in reality, a part of adulting).

I want to encourage you to ask yourself this question at the start of every day.

Then, try this little ritual:

  • Close your eyes and take 4 deep breathes (center yourself, become present and access your inner wisdom)
  • Think about how you want to FEEL today?
  • Think of 3 things you can do that would make today a _________ day? (insert the word that represents how you want to FEEL today)
  • Choose a time period you CAN spend that day on a nurturing activity (5 minutes is better than Zero Minutes; you may have more time to invest on a Saturday than a Tuesday)
  • Select the 1 thing (out your 3 things) you can do within that time period
  • Either do it NOW or schedule it on your calendar or daily planner (if you make time for things that make you feel GREAT, guess what- you're more likely to feel GREAT moving into the remainder of your day!)

If you ask yourself this Coaching Question and try this little ritual, I'd love to hear what you think. EMAIL ME at [email protected] 

If you try this and find that it's helping, do us both a favor and SHARE with a FRIEND! Good feelings have a ripple effect! And we can all use a little more goodness in our lives!



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