


Breaking Down "The Rules For Being Human"

Life has a way of challenging us, however Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott offers a different (and more empowering) perspective in her "Ten Rules For Being Human" from her New York Times Best Seller "If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules."   

The Rules For Being Human

from Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott's NYT Best Seller "If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules"

Rule One: You will receive a body. You may love it or...

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A Simple Question with BIG Potential

What matters MOST, to ME, right NOW?

When you FEEL your mind racing or your thoughts scattered, this simple question can be quite powerful. Take a moment to breathe and become present, then ponder your answer to this question. 

The three keywords to pay attention to are: MOST, ME, NOW. Consider the question without those words: What matters? Alot of people ask themselves this question; however without the...

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The Power of TED- a Small yet Mighty Book

The Power of TED, The Empowerment Dynamic by David Emerald

This small little book packs a BIG PUNCH! It's on my TOP 4 FAVORITES list!

Written like a fable, the author takes the reader on a journey with his fictitious character, David. He meets a pair of wise strangers who guide him from feeling like a "Victim" to becoming a "Creator."  

Author David Emerald weaves impactful, potentially...

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How to Shift into a More Positive and Productive State of Mind

I’ve learned a lot about managing stress and overwhelm over the last several years and wanted to share a story…

A challenge…

With the holidays approaching and the launch of my new Workshop, I’ve been going at top speed for the last several weeks. All the while, I have responsibilities at home and at Branching Out Events that I have not tended to, leaving me ridden with guilt and self-loathing. (Sounds...

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Developing a Positive Mindset for Work and Life

As a Personal and Professional Development Coach, it is my goal to help you develop your own positive mindset for all aspects of your life, especially your business.

What do my Clients have to say about their Coaching experience... 

Here's a testimonial from my Client Brooke. I am 12 months into a 14 Month Business Transformation Program with her and her business partners. Throughout the journey, I have had the honor...

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Respond vs. React

Respond vs. React

When I drew this topic out of my bronze box of ideas, my mind immediately went to the power of a PAUSE. Here’s what I mean…

In even the most challenging situations, we have the power to choose how we behave. We can respond or react. One behavior can lead to possibilities and solutions, while the other can lead to more challenges.

Responding is a positive way of behaving, rooted in a “think before...

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The 1 and Only Marketing Book You Need

The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib

In a nutshell, Allan Dib is a marketing genius. He breaks down a monstrous, oftentimes intimidating subject into very simple, practical terms that any business owner can understand and apply. He presents the strategies and tactics you need to "get your ideal client to know you, like you and trust you enough to become a client."

His approach is honest, common sense and easily relatable for any...

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4 Tips in 40 Seconds to Identify Your Ideal Client


Today's 4 Tips in 40 Seconds...

4 Steps you can take to Identify Your Ideal Client:
1. Identify WHO, WHERE & WHAT they are, in detail (psychographic, geographic, demographic)
2. Identify what they VALUE (what motivates them, pulls them forward, brings them satisfaction)
3. Identify what their PAIN POINTS are (challenges, struggles, objections)
4. Identify what PROBLEM you can help (how can you use your skills to help make life easier...

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Identify Your Ideal Client

Ideal Client

As much as I love talking about the mental and emotional aspects of personal growth, I get ENERGIZED by conversations about the strategic and operational topics associated with my Consulting work. Which brings me to today's random topic...

Why is it important to Identify your Ideal Client?

When you know exactly who you want to serve, you can tailor your marketing and sales efforts to ATTRACT more of those people...

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Benefits of Working With a Coach

Ever wonder... what are the benefits of working with a Personal and Professional Development Coach? Consider your curiosity satisfied! 

Coaching is proven to work when these two factors are present:

  1. The Client is willing to grow.
  2. There is a gap between where they are now and where they want to be.

After that, you and I can begin to:

  • solve problems
  • create a new life
  • turn a business around
  • design & implement a plan...
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