
the roots group blog

articles to help you operate a better business and live a better life

Top 4 Topics I Discuss in Consulting Conversations, Part 1

Recently, I shared an article titled the Top 4 Topics I Discuss in Coaching Conversations. Curious to know the most commonly discussed topics of my Consulting conversations?

In this (2 part) article, I'll be sharing the Top 4 Topics I Discuss in Consulting Conversationsbecause I'm equally passionate about the Consulting work I do with Clients.


1. Employee Management

For most Business Owners, it's...

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4 Tips in 40 Seconds to Delegate More Effectively

Delegating effectively enables a Business Owner to lighten their load and ultimately, step away from the daily grind and work ON the business, not just IN it. The paradox lies in first mastering the art of effective delegation, before freedom can be attained.
Based on my own experience as an Entrepreneur AND loads of trial and error...
Here are 4 Steps You Can Take to Delegate More Effectively:
  1. First things...
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4 Steps You Can Take to Delegate Confidently and Effectively


Whether beginning the entrepreneurial journey as a solopreneur or initially launching with a full Team, delegating effectively is quite possibly one of the biggest challenges for Business Owners.

As your business grows, so do the demands on your time, energy and focus. The increasing demands become overwhelming and a need for change becomes obvious; however, you're stuck in the daily grind keeping the business afloat and...

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Live in Possibility

Music teacher and conductor, Benjamin Zander, shares his unique perspective on the topic of growth and learning in his WILDLY inspiring presentation: The Art of Possibility.  

As we go about and engage in the world around us, we can choose to exist in what Zander refers to as a downward spiral (negative thought/talk) or choose to radiate in what he refers to as infinite possibility (positivity, optimism,...

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Create the Business and the Life You Want

As a Personal and Professional Development Coach, I can help you create positive change in your business, your life and your mindset.

What do my Clients have to say about their Coaching experience...

"Where do I begin!  Debby has changed my business, my mindset, and my life.  Thanks to Debby I was able to confidently transition from an in-person practice to virtual practice and move to my dream city.  She...

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A Giveaway for the Gals

In honor of Galentine's Day, The Roots Group gathered our favorite books- and a planner that we can't seem to get enough of- to gift to one lucky winner!

Stacia Emerson, our Galentine's Giveaway winner,  walked away with FIVE books:

  1. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  2. Grit by Angela Duckworth
  3. The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp
  4. The Success Principles...
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And What Else...?

In Coaching Calls, Clients often feel helpless, to some degree. Some are stuck and don't see any options available for how to move forward. Others are out of ideas and have trouble seeing what choices exist.

The reality is- we are surrounded by options and choices every day, yet our schedules are so packed that it's challenging to find time and space to process our thoughts (our BEING) and our actions (our DOING)....

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A Resource Aligned with My Values

When I was teaching Women in my Workshop about VALUES this past month, a few of my own came to mind: authenticity, mastery, knowledge, growth, simplicity....

A few years ago, I discovered an INCREDIBLE resource that aligns with so many of my values- Masterclass.

You may have seen their advertisements pop-up on your Instagram feed. Masterclass has a wide variety of online classes taught by celebrities and well-known...

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Top 4 Topics I Discuss in Coaching Conversations


The most powerful coaching conversations begin with a clearly defined topic. Even when a Client comes to the call with a broad subject, my job is to help them narrow the focus into a topic that can be discussed 1.) within a 60min time frame and 2.) with the intention of creating some kind of forward movement as a result of the conversation.

Wondering what those topics are? Here’s a list of the Top 4 Topics I...

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Take Your Life and Business to the Next Level

As a Personal and Professional Development Coach, I can help with more than just the logistics and planning side of your business; I can help you feel more motivated and encouraged while achieving your goals.

What do my Clients have to say about their Coaching experience...

I LOVED hearing such POSITIVE feedback from my Client Ruth, aka Wedding and Events by Ruth, about her experience in...

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