
4 Tips in 40 Seconds to Identify Your Ideal Client


Today's 4 Tips in 40 Seconds...

4 Steps you can take to Identify Your Ideal Client:
1. Identify WHO, WHERE & WHAT they are, in detail (psychographic, geographic, demographic)
2. Identify what they VALUE (what motivates them, pulls them forward, brings them satisfaction)
3. Identify what their PAIN POINTS are (challenges, struggles, objections)
4. Identify what PROBLEM you can help (how can you use your skills to help make life easier for them)

BONUS step: 
Want to have some fun with this exercise? One of my Clients created an Avatar for their Ideal Client and even gave her a name! How creative is that?! 

See a step you want to explore? I can help! Click here to schedule a Coaching call today!



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