
the roots group blog

articles to help you operate a better business and live a better life

An Important Distinction

In Coaching, a distinction is a deeper dive into exploring the subtleties of language. We assign meaning to the words we choose, and that meaning influences our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. Our choice of words can have a positive or negative impact. 

Let's explore the distinction between ADJUSTED & TOLERATED, with the intention of broadening your perspective & increasing your awareness, so the...

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Workshop Reviews Coming in HOT!

Over the course of 4 weeks in January, I guided 10 EXTRAORDINARY Gals through the process of creating an inspiring and motivating plan for their year in for my Create Your 2022 Vision Workshop.

The reviews are in, and I am THRILLED to share what 2 participants had to say about their experience.


Roxana shared...

BEFORE the Workshop: "I felt nervous because I was going to be speaking and sharing while others listened to...

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Live in Possibility

Music teacher and conductor, Benjamin Zander, shares his unique perspective on the topic of growth and learning in his WILDLY inspiring presentation: The Art of Possibility.  

As we go about and engage in the world around us, we can choose to exist in what Zander refers to as a downward spiral (negative thought/talk) or choose to radiate in what he refers to as infinite possibility (positivity, optimism,...

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A Giveaway for the Gals

In honor of Galentine's Day, The Roots Group gathered our favorite books- and a planner that we can't seem to get enough of- to gift to one lucky winner!

Stacia Emerson, our Galentine's Giveaway winner,  walked away with FIVE books:

  1. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  2. Grit by Angela Duckworth
  3. The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp
  4. The Success Principles...
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The Value of a Name

How often do you realize weeks or months after knowing someone that you've been mis-spelling or mis-pronouncing their name the whole time? It's in that moment when you realize you've made a mistake, that something so SIMPLE can hold so much VALUE.

In passing, saying or spelling someone's name incorrectly may not be a big deal, but for someone with whom you have a relationship, knowing how to spell and pronounce their name can show...
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Breathe Your Way to Better

Breathing techniques can be valuable for overcoming the obstacles we face in daily life. Whether it's anxiety, stress, or anything that throws you off balance throughout the day, a technique known as "box breathing" might be just the tool you need! 
Simply put, box breathing is a technique used to calm your nervous system down. Use a four second rotation of breathing in, holding your breath, breathing out and holding your...
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What if You Practiced Gratitude Every Day?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, from my little family to yours!

It's Turkey Day- the one day of the year where everyone finds comfort in reflecting on thanks and gratitude.

Imagine yourself at the Thanksgiving table... You're sharing happy memories, moments of joy and acknowledging everything that's changed for the better over the past year. As you recall, you sink into the feelings associated with those moments and start feeling a rush of...

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Adapting For the Future

Understanding the importance of skills that cannot be created by machine helps us to change and adapt to our ever-changing world.

This weeks post is equal parts simple and short.

If you, or someone you know, needs a mood booster, and you've got 11 minutes to spare, click here to watch a BEAUTIFUL VIDEO titled "The Adaptable Mind."

You will learn what they call "The 5 Skills at The Core of Thriving in Today's...

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quick favor...

I am working on my outline for a NEW PROGRAM- a Creating Your 2022 Vision Workshop (or as I've been saying 2020- Take 2!) . 
NOTE: I am planning to offer this Workshop to ALL Women, whether you:
• own a business
• work in a business or 
• work in your home 
• (yep, that's right- I'm opening this up to all Women out there, whether you work for yourself, someone else OR have chosen to...

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Too Legit to Quit

In any endeavor I take on, I have a personal standard of excellence. So, when I committed to becoming a Coach, I committed to becoming REALLY GOOD at Coaching. Which meant I needed to gain knowledge, training and qualifications.

I have spent the last 18months engaging in Coach U, a coach training program founded by the Father of the Coaching Profession, Thomas Leonard. I officially graduated from the first level of training in May.


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Subscribe to Roots Weekly Wisdom- your regular dose of inspiration, motivation and actionable "things" you can do to operate a better business and live a better life!

Don't worry, I won't overload your inbox. I won't be "salesy." I'll be myself- real talk with a dose of humor.

I promise to keep it simple, easy to read and succinct. I'll offer growth exercises (both business and life), points to ponder and action steps to take, all so you can move forward and grow, in some way. I'll also share new program launches, registration dates and "subscriber-only" discounts ( I love showing gratitude for those who subscribe AND engage). 

Whatever the message, you can trust my intention is always helping YOU operate a better business and live a better life!