
An Intentional Pause...

Have you ever felt a little overwhelmed and wished that you could just hit the "pause button" on life? Today, I'm giving myself permission to do just that.

I'm in a season of life that involves significant transitions in multiple areas- for ME (and my family), for BOE (Branching Out Events) and for TRG (The Roots Group). With so much change happening, I've had to get very clear about what is and what is not a priority (my "what matters most"). This means- I have to confidently say "yes" to certain things and confidently say "no" to others.


What am I saying "yes" to: strengthening my little family, strengthening my floral company and strengthening my capabilities as a Coach. (FUN FACT- my theme for 2022 is FORTIFY!)

FOR ME: strengthening my little family by being present.

In May, our daughter is graduating from high school, so we've got alot of fun celebrating to do, along with family coming into town and a BIG graduation trip to Europe in June!

In July, I'll be supporting our son when he competes with his volleyball team at the USVBA national tournament in Las Vegas, then we're heading to Alaska for a week-long fishing trip (a little mother/son bonding time without cell coverage- I can't wait).

In August, we'll be moving our daughter to college at UT Austin (my alma mater and my husband's, too). This will mark the end and the beginning of a monumental season of life for each of us, and I want to be fully present to support her (and support myself, because I'm expecting an emotional rollercoaster ride).

FOR BOE: strengthening my floral company by creating and implementing a new Company structure.

Like most small businesses, the pandemic sparked changes in staffing at Branching Out Events. This Spring, we're saying goodbye to long-time Team Members and saying hello to a few new ones. Change can be challenging, however, it can also present an opportunity to step back and create new ways of doing, seeing and being.

As an eternal optimist, I chose to embrace the "opportunity" perspective and created a new Company Structure to better suit our new Team. We are 1 wk into an official 6 wk Transition Plan, which includes roll-out of a new staffing structure, new job roles/responsibilities and weekly training on processes/policies. The future is looking bright!

FOR TRG: strengthening my capabilities as a Coach by remaining committed to my goal of becoming REALLY GOOD at Coaching!

I'm nearing completion of my 30 month journey with Coach U, the Coach Training Program I've been enrolled in since April 2020. In August, I will begin preparing to submit my lengthy application for both my graduation and my PCC ICF credentials, which requires over 160hrs of training courses and 500hrs of Coaching, with at least 20 different people. (Yep, I've taken that many hours of online courses, and I've completed that many hours of Coaching.)

Over the next 3 months, I am continuing to Coach & Consult my current 1 on 1 Clients. What I know for sure is- I COME ALIVE when I Coach Clients! At the same time, I know how much I can handle (on top of everything I've just shared). In order to remain effective, I am waiting until September to open my availability to new Clients and launch new Programs & Workshops. (But you can bet, I've got ideas out the WAH-ZOO planned for supporting YOU via TRG!)


What am I saying "no" to: anything that distracts me from my priorities and causes stress, overwhelm or anxiety.

FOR ME: I'm prioritizing rest, so for now- I'm minimizing social engagements. (I've become a home-body anyways, so not a huge adjustment)

FOR BOE: I'm committed to being in the studio more, so for now- no working from home/behind-the-scenes. (Lucky for me, my Team is SUPER FUN, and I'm excited to spend more time with them)

FOR TRG: I'm prioritizing my current Clients, so for now- no marketing, i.e. social posts, blogging, newsletters. (I love creating content, but something's gotta give)


Since I won't be back to my social, blog or newsletter for a few months, I want to leave you with some questions to ponder if you're experiencing a time of change and transition:

  • What matters most, right now, to you?
  • To honor your "what matters most", what are you saying YES to?
  • What are you going to start saying NO to?

We all experience change. Getting clear on your answers to these 3 questions will help you step into a more productive and positive mindset, where you can make choices that align with your bigger intentions and ultimately, lead to a life of greater fulfillment and satisfaction!


I hope you all have a GLORIOUS summer!

In the meantime and as always, I'm sending you GOOD VIBES!

Debby J



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Don't worry, I won't overload your inbox. I won't be "salesy." I'll be myself- real talk with a dose of humor.

I promise to keep it simple, easy to read and succinct. I'll offer growth exercises (both business and life), points to ponder and action steps to take, all so you can move forward and grow, in some way. I'll also share new program launches, registration dates and "subscriber-only" discounts ( I love showing gratitude for those who subscribe AND engage). 

Whatever the message, you can trust my intention is always helping YOU operate a better business and live a better life!