
Mastering Time Management: Debby J's Tips & Tricks

Last week, I shared a blog post about Mastering Time Management: Transforming Chaos into Calm. It was a lovely post with some great insights, but I wondered...was it actionable enoughIf you're into the down and dirty tips and tricks, that's what I'm serving up today.

Mastering Time Management: Debby J's Tips & Tricks: (this list could be really long, so I'm only dishing out my top of the top tips)

  • use time blocking to create a weekly flow- for life and work
    • batch tasks and priorities into major categories (for ex: finance, house cleaning, exercise, content creating, client meetings, etc.)
    • then, block/reserve time on your weekly calendar so you can focus on each area (and work in flow) without interruption 
    • I block my calendar monthly, so I can reserve time for what matters most and live life on my terms, before I fill up my calendar with other people's needs
    • add tasks and priorities based on the season (for ex: holiday decorating, 1/2 day prep before travel, 1 full transition day upon return from vacation)
  •  use technology wisely (but not obsessively), so you remember what you need to remember when you need to remember it (hope you're getting a good laugh outta that sentence)
    • schedule tasks and events on a google calendar (pet meds doses, birthdays, bill pay, taxes due, registration opening, canceling a subscription, checking in with someone you made a promise to)
    • set alarms on your phone for things you need to do in the next 24hrs (checking into a flight, calling your mom, replying to an email, prepping for a client call, defrost meat for dinner)
    • set alarms on your phone for regular occurences- but don't go crazy b/c too many alarms can cause anxiety (weekly meeting prep, your daughter's weekly radio DJ spot, taking antibiotics)
  • use your timer and time limits to just get 'er done (even when you really just wanna go to bed or binge Netflix on the couch)
    • when tackling a big project or something you've been avoiding, turn off all distractions, set your timer to 20 mins and focus. the whole 20 mins.
    • if you're not quite done, decide- focus for another 20min or break for 20min.
    • repeat until complete or your get to a good, solid stopping point
    • you'll be AMAZED how much you can get done in 20 min without distractions!

There you have it- my favorite tips and tricks for managing my time and prioritizing what matters most. I encourage you to try some of these tips to get the "stuff" out of your head, so you can be present in your life AND never forget a thing!



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