
How to Manage Your Stress in the Moment

Tolerating stress has become so common.

For some, it's a source of bonding and a default conversation starter (gritching about XYZ) and for others, it can actually be a shot of adrenaline (an unhealthy source of energy).

But here's the deal-eo...

Stress is a choice, even the most stressful situations. You can choose to get caught up in the drama of stress (be reactive) or you can choose to be present and mindful in even the most challenging situations (be responsive). 

To help ease yourself away from the dramas of stress and towards a more mindful way of being, I offer following The Path to Pause.

I created The Path to Pause, a framework to help you fully process challenging situations (and avoid unnecessary stress), so you can move forward to creating positive, sustainable change AND a new way of being and operating. 

Because like I said, you have a choice.


Want to explore how the Path to Pause framework can help YOU?

Or could you use some support to process a challenging situation in life or business?

I'm here to help.

I offer a 60minute Complimentary Call to anyone interested in exploring the powerful potential of working with a Credentialed Coach & Consultant. 

On the call, I'll briefly explain what Coaching is and isn't, and I'll set the ground rules for our conversation. Then for the bulk of our time together, I'll actually coach you on a topic of your choosing. 

At the end of our call, I'll explain the options to continue working together:

  • 4 Calls to Clarity
  • a Root Booster Exercise + 1 Coaching Call 
  • Better Business Intensive Program

Ready for a powerful conversation?

Email me at [email protected] to schedule your call today. 




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I promise to keep it simple, easy to read and succinct. I'll offer growth exercises (both business and life), points to ponder and action steps to take, all so you can move forward and grow, in some way. I'll also share new program launches, registration dates and "subscriber-only" discounts ( I love showing gratitude for those who subscribe AND engage). 

Whatever the message, you can trust my intention is always helping YOU operate a better business and live a better life!