
Identify Your Ideal Client

Ideal Client

As much as I love talking about the mental and emotional aspects of personal growth, I get ENERGIZED by conversations about the strategic and operational topics associated with my Consulting work. Which brings me to today's random topic...

Why is it important to Identify your Ideal Client?

When you know exactly who you want to serve, you can tailor your marketing and sales efforts to ATTRACT more of those people (and REPEL all others). From your copywriting and sales pitch to photo selections and branding colors, your decisions and actions will be more laser focused when rooted in a deeper layer of CLARITY, INTENTION & PURPOSE, which typically has a positive impact on your revenue.

When I invested time in this area, I identified the following about my Ideal Client:

  • Female Entrepreneur or Business Woman, between ages of 30-60 (ish)
  • goal and growth-oriented, committed to taking action
  • aspires to be a better leader and a better business owner
  • values simplicity, authenticity and a sense of humor 

In the area of speaking and writing about one's business, most business owners place an enormous amount of pressure on themselves to say or write the most eloquent, perfect thing, oftentimes resulting in analysis paralysis and a blank page (not a single instagram caption or blog post written).

When this became a challenge for me, I thought...I have quite a few characteristics in common with my own Ideal Client, so I'm just going to speak to myself.

One silly example of how I put my discovery to work: Language is a powerful tool. One's choice of wording has an impact on who you ATTRACT and REPEL. While I consider myself to be an upstanding business woman, I want to show up as authentically me, because being someone else requires too much energy (and it's just not a sustainable way to run a business). I thought: does my Ideal Coaching/Consulting Client cuss like a sailor? No, but she probably drops an F-bomb or shit-bomb every once in a while because we're all human. So, I realized I'd avoid the F-bomb (trying to cut back on that one, anyways), but if saying shit every once in a while turned someone off, they probably aren't an Ideal Client anyways. (reference above quality of having a sense of humor)

Basically, you CAN work with a non-Ideal Client, however it will probably require more effort for BOTH of you. So, why not invest time to identify the WHO, WHERE and WHAT about your Ideal Client so you can BOTH start having a more smooth, enjoyable and fun experience!

Curious about related steps you can take to create a better business? Check back in and watch my 4Tips in 40Seconds video titled: 4 Steps you can take to Identify Your Ideal Client. I'll even share a FUN BONUS tip!

P.S. One KEY trait of our Ideal Client at Branching Out Events... MUST LOVE DOGS!



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